Go async-first with your team
Use the filters below to find async-first methods that are relevant to your team. For detailed articles, check out the blog.
Promote skin in the game
Don’t tell smart people what to do. Give them autonomy and allow them to take risks.
Clarify your essential intent
Your team’s purpose must be concrete and inspirational. Here’s a way to define it.
Celebrate in the open
Thank and recognise people openly. This is a small, low effort task that helps build team cohesion.
Run skip level meetings
If you have direct reports who manage other people, you must meet these people directly, without their bosses. This helps you keep your “ear to the ground”.
Identify indicators for change
You won’t know if your changes make a difference, until you have indicators and metrics in place. Use the leading and lagging indicators in this method, as your sensible default.
Team values workshop
Identify your team values using a short, one hour workshop. By the end of this exercise, you’ll have a list of values and rough notes about what they mean to you.