Go async-first with your team
Use the filters below to find async-first methods that are relevant to your team. For detailed articles, check out the blog.
Encourage people management
People managers are an important cog in a team’s machine. Let’s recognise this competency.
Practise radical candour
Use Kim Scott’s model of “Radical Candour” to share effective feedback.
Run skip level meetings
If you have direct reports who manage other people, you must meet these people directly, without their bosses. This helps you keep your “ear to the ground”.
Find the "goldilocks" zone
Not too easy. Not too difficult. Just right. How do you find that zone for your direct reports?
Don't oversubscribe yourself
Most people can’t reliably manage more than 4-5 people. Work with your HR team to streamline reporting relationships so you only have as many people to manage as you can truly care for.