Go async-first with your team
Use the filters below to find async-first methods that are relevant to your team. For detailed articles, check out the blog.
Practice “metawork”
Metawork is all the work you do, to make your actual work happen. Here’s why you, as a leader must practice it.
Document your role
Don’t let your team be vulnerable to a low “bus factor”. Make your role explicit.
Eliminate bullshit jobs
No one needs to do meaningless, soul-sapping work. Not even you. Take the time to get rid of such work so you and your colleagues can focus on the work that brings you joy.
Rule of three for documentation
What’s the right time to document something? Liam Martin suggests the “rule of three” to identify the specific moment.
Learn to respond with a link
When you write regularly, you’ll create referenceable artefacts. This will allow you to have fewer meetings. The artefact can serve as an efficient reference.