Go async-first with your team
Use the filters below to find async-first methods that are relevant to your team. For detailed articles, check out the blog.
Onboarding FAQs
An onboarding FAQ helps your preserve the “dumb questions budget” for any new hire to your team.
Onboarding checklists
A precise checklist takes away the guesswork from the onboarding process. Document what the new hire needs to do, by when they need to do it, and how.
Onboarding buddy
A buddy is a new hire’s tour guide in the team. They can be a sounding board for questions, the person who makes introductions to others and also the first port of call for help.
1:1 meetings with new team members
1:1 meetings with new hires are a very effective way for them to get to know their colleagues.
New team-mate lunch
Sharing a meal with your new team-mate can make them feel welcome to the team. Use this as a regular onboarding pattern.
Write once, run many
Switch from fragile, redundant, ephemeral conversations to shared, persistent onboarding assets.
Codebase README
A great place to document the static/stable stuff on the project is right in the codebase, in a good, old README file, at the top level of your project folder.