Async agile 1.0, is distributed agile 2.0!

This blog expands on the ideas from “The Async-First Playbook”. You can either browse through the posts using the grid below, or start at the very beginning. Alternatively, use the search bar below to find content across the site.

Skills, AI Sumeet Moghe Skills, AI Sumeet Moghe

3 underrated, yet powerful AI skills

As AI becomes a significant part of our work lives, which competencies differentiate the average business user from another? I argue there are three powerful but game-changing skills that you haven’t thought of in this light.

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AI, Careers Sumeet Moghe AI, Careers Sumeet Moghe

The perfect storm for AI disruption

There are widespread concerns about how AI will disrupt employment and render many people jobless. I argue that jobs that involve routine, non-novel, and acceptably risky knowledge work will be prime candidates for such disruption.

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