Complex topics need time to understand and to engage with. A meeting-first culture undermines complexity. So slow down. Write first. Talk later. To remember the approach, use WUCA as a mnemonic. 

Image of woman writing



Image of woman adding comments



  • Step 1. Write things down in whatever detail possible.

  • Step 2. Share the idea with enough time for others to read and understand it.

  • Step 3. This is when people drop notes, comments and suggestions into the document. You can use this feedback to refine your idea as well.

  • Step 4. If there are open items that need real time discussion, meet by all means. If you get good at being async-first, you may be able to close things out without a meeting.

The great thing about this process is that it’s iterative. You can build on old ideas and you create your team’s knowledge base in the flow of your work.


“Go DEEP” with artefacts


Organise using team topologies